Greencastle Community Centre

graphic design & brand expansion for a community centre



Greencastle Community Centre are a community based organisation on this Inishowen Peninsula in Co. Donegal. They are committed to enhancing the health, education and social well-being of their community. 

Having received a grant to enhance their marketing and website for 2022, I was approached to assist on the the graphic and marketing design element of the project.

Their original branding was very limited and needed some small adjustments to improve it. I provided the team with a full rationale on the improvements, and additions they could add to their branding. This would allow it to be more flexible with their 2022 plans.

I also advised and developed copy for their marketing materials to tie it all together.

The graphics were inspired by the coastal location and the vibrance of the community there. The overall theme was to be friendly, inviting and inclusive.

An experienced graphic designer will spot areas of improvement to make sure your brands visuals have more longevity and a wider use.

Does your business need visuals to help it stand out from the competition?


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